Hilton Hotel, Belgrade, Serbia
What Does Future Hold for FMCG, Retail, Agri, and Distributions in Emerging Europe?
Belgrade based the Conference Republic and the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development are partnering in organizing an important and high-level event on September 30-October 1, 2019 in Belgrade, Serbia focusing on new developments and incorporation of global trends in the agribusiness, FMCG, retail and distribution within the South-East Europe but also wider Central and Eastern European markets. It builds on the previously held events under the FRA Arena brand that EBRD supported.
The Consumer Rules Summit platform is envisioned as a high-level discussion platform that enables sharing tangible ideas based on experiences and good practices and allows prime networking opportunities. It will bring together more than 30 top speakers, and 150+participants, including C-level managers from the leading companies in agribusiness, retail and distribution but also in the larger FMCG industry, from EU, South-East Europe, CIS, Middle East, Africa, and Turkey. Consumer Rules Summit’s mission is to connect key players from these countries with international investors, retailers, food producers, regulatory authorities and other relevant stakeholders.
This important platform will focus on consumer spending, which drives nearly 60% of world GDP, is an engine for economic activity. The Fourth Industrial Revolution is transforming entire systems of production, distribution, and consumption providing both opportunities for value-creation through game-changing technologies, as well as challenges on ensuring inclusivity. Who will win the race? Are the keys for success – innovation, willingness and ability to disrupt yourself and your business model and spirit of collaboration or we need to find the fifth element?
September 30 – October 1, 2019, Hilton Hotel, Belgrade, Serbia
What Does Future Hold for FMCG, Retail, Agri, and Distributions in Emerging Europe?
Monday, 30 September, 2019
18:00 – 18:45 Registration in Hilton
18:45 – 20:10 Hard Talk: Drama or No Drama vs Deal or No Deal for the Consumers Not to Worry but to Be Happy
Changing consumer demand affects the local market and business models but desires change faster than supply chains. How should companies lead on new product development instead of following customer preferences?
How can small scale business models efficiently meet consumer demand for convenience, instant gratification, personalization, services and experiences over products, or access versus ownership?
What does the future hold for current successful models in FMCG, retail, distribution and agriculture?
Market consolidation and the interest of global strategic players in Southeast Europe – is it good news for consumers or is this market just collateral of the global battle?
Access to finance, predictable politics and a stable business environment – three sine qua non of any investment-friendly environment. Do we have it in the region?
Introductory remarks: Stuart Trow, Credit Strategist, EBRD
- Aleksandar Kostić, Vice President, MK Group
- Andrej Jovanović, Chairman, Moji Brendovi
- Emil Tedeschi, CEO, Atlantic Grupa
- Svetozar Janevski, Chairman, Tikveš
- Jean-Marc Peterschmitt, Managing Director, Industry, Commerce & Agribusiness, EBRD
Moderator: Petar Štefanić, Journalist, N1 Zagreb
20:10 – 22:00 Cocktail dinner
Tuesday, 1 October, 2019
8:45 – 9:15 Morning coffee and registration
9:15 – 9:45 Grand opening session
- Master of Ceremony / Welcome: Miljan Ždrale, Regional Head for Agribusiness in Central & Eastern Europe, EBRD
Agriculture Potential : Branislav Nedimović, Minister of Agriculture, Forestry and Water Management
- EBRD in the Balkans: Zsuzsanna Hargitai, Regional Head for Western Balkans, EBRD
- EBRD priorities in Food and FMCG: Natalya Zhukova, Head of Agribusiness, EBRD
- The economic outlook of the SEE: Hrvoje Stojić, Economic Research Expert
9:45 – 10:00 Networking break
10:00– 10:45 HUNGRY PANEL:Let’s Talk About AgriBusiness
What does future hold for agriculture in the context of climate change, higher awareness of environmental and social risks, and digital transformation?
Both consumers and investors are hungry but aren’t also the farmers?
Can regenerative agriculture feed the future (demand)? Will it have to?
Big data for big profit or artificial intelligence for natural products?
Intro Remarks: Hunger from the Desert – Gianluca Fabbri, Al Dahra Holding
- Frederic Moulin, General Manager South East Europe, Axereal
- Stefan Bucataru, Director, AgriCover
- Ilija Studen, Co-founder and President, Studen & Co Holding
- Gergely Pókos, Director of Business Development, Bonafarm
Moderator: Gianpiero Nacci, EBRD
10:45 – 11:00 Networking break
11:00 – 11:45 DEMANDING PANEL: Let’s Talk About FMCG
What is the demand in FMCG – is it in digital or is it in “real” demand?
What are the drivers of change in the region and where is the ongoing market consolidation going to take us?
Hamlet’s dilemma: To be in the comfort zone or not to be in the comfort zone?
Intro Remarks: Demand is There with KMV and Pepsico: Alessandro Pasquale, Mattoni
- Robert Knorr, Co-Managing Partner, MidEuropaPartners
- Marin Pucar, President of the Management Board, Podravka
- Mihailo Janković, Director, Nectar
- Rusmir Hrvić, CEO, AS Holding
- Dario Šalić, CEO, Jamnica plus
*the list of panelists will be updated as soon as we receive official confirmations from invited speakers
11:45 – 12:00 Networking break
12:00- 12:45 EFFICIENT PANEL: Let’s Talk About Retail/ Distribution
Traditional drivers of price and quality are not key anymore – consumers drive innovation through new health and sustainability considerations
Management of suppliers is critical for success but long term arrangements and greater collaboration is needed
Small to big, big to small / what comes next in the retail sector for the region?
Intro Remarks: Efficiently Raised Fenix – Michal Kedzia, Enterprise Investors/ Studenac
- Tomislav Čizmić, President of the Management Board, Mercator
- Dragan Bokan, President, Voli
- Ljiljana Kunosić, CEO, Bingo
- Aleksandar Seratlić, CEO, MPC Holding / Mercata
Moderator: Javier Valencia Arua, Managing Director, Beragua Capital Advisory
12:45 – 14:00 Networking lunch
14:00 – 15:45 SHAKE UP FOR BRIGHT END – Is the Future Now or just Bright?
Consumer spending, which drives nearly 60% of world GDP, is an engine for economic activity. The Fourth Industrial Revolution is transforming entire systems of production, distribution, and consumption providing both opportunities for value-creation through game-changing technologies, as well as challenges on ensuring inclusivity.
Who will win the race? Are the keys for success – innovation, willingness and ability to disrupt yourself and your business model and spirit of collaboration or we need to find the fifth element?
Critical challenges to work as opportunities:
Managing the evolution of key demographic shifts around the world including the rise of the millennial generation in parallel with a growing aging society, and the rise of the middle class in emerging economies in tandem with increasing income inequalities.
Meeting consumer demand for convenience, instant gratification, personalization, services and experiences over products, or access versus ownership.
Embracing ground breaking technologies, such as Artificial Intelligence (AI), Internet of Things (IoT), Autonomous Vehicles/Drones, and Robotics, and thereby managing the massive transformation of business and operating models that will ensue.
Ensuring inclusive value creation by addressing societal challenge (divides such as young versus old or rural versus urban, data privacy and security, and new skills and employment models to support digital enterprises of the future) while also establishing environmentally-friendly solutions to help communities prosper and businesses grow.
Success is possible within the triangle of Sustainable, Responsible and Innovative?
Key challengers: Chris Forrest, Industry General Manager, Microsoft CEE
- Vesna Bengin, Co-founder and Assistant Director, BioSense Institute
- Neven Vranković, Group Vice President for Corporate Activities, Atlantic Grupa
- Hassan El Khatib, Managing Director, Equity, EBRD
- Bojan Radun, CEO, Imlek
- Chris Forrest, Industry General Manager, Microsoft CEE
Moderator: Nikola Vuković, Partner, BCG
15:45 – 16:00 SMART UP FOR A BRIGHT END – Is the Future Now or just Bright?
Closing remarks and sum up of the Consumer Rules Summit: Miljan Ždrale, EBRD
16:00 – 17:00 Farewell cocktail
Note: The program is preliminary and subject to changes